It's June 2015, and I'm afraid we've come to the end of Writing in the 'Loo.
I started this writing group with a small band of merry women, and it grew to include some wonderful people. This has been a very difficult decision for me, but I'm at a point in my writing/career where I have to refocus my energy, and change what it means to move forward. That means doubling down on my alone-time efforts.
I know that we'll all stay in touch, and most of us were friends before the group was created. Every now and then a second set of eyes will be needed, and I'm sure we'll still be there for each other. However, the official monthly meetings will come to an end after our next/last get together.
In the future there is a chance that events/readings will be hosted under this name, and I'll post details on this little website. I'd also like to keep the previous posts by our members as there's some good stuff here, too.
I'd like to thank all of the Writing in the 'Loo members for the years of learning and fun, EDITING FACE and controlled anger, and for all the emotional and editorial support throughout our time together.
And, never forget where you usually come up with your best ideas. ;)
With love,